Book Review - The Ministry of Utmost Happiness
Book Review - The Ministry of Utmost Happiness Cousin :- What are you reading ? Me : -a novel called-- The ministry of Utmost happiness. Cousin- So did you find happiness ? Me- I don't know... I only started reading this book, because this book was directly/indirectly garnering all the attention at all corners possible. Be it virtual or real. As for me, i was not interested because my limited reading of Arundhati Roy stopped at 2 or 3 pages of "The God of Small things" at a tender age of 15 because i was searching for love making scene descriptions in that novel. From that point on wards to this time, I never read anything about Arundhati Roy or anything written by her. I am glad that i was mightily proved wrong, I am glad that this book picked me. And most of all this review or the thoughts written about this book are mainly for my purpose & recording of thoughts. These initial few lines greeted me, when i started reading- The ministry of Utmost Happi...