
Showing posts from April, 2010

Faith ???

I haunt in the temples,churches & mosques, Chant a thousand names of God, But i can't renew my faith. I am sad, have lost all the hope, Trying to fight the monsters in dark alleys, I look at the sky to find my cloud with silver lining, And all i see is the grey sky, drowning the city with constant tears. No,No, I can't renew my faith. There is not a smile,which can make me smile, There is not a song, which can make me sing, Tell me Mr.Priest, what i have to do to renew my faith in faith again ? What fees do i have to pay to be a part of the humans again ? I am lost on a never ending journey, I don't know where to stop, to stop at the temple to say my prayers, Or to stop & to stare at the high noon sun shining, Or to stop & look at the child,smiling at me Or to stop at the super market & buy me a orange-soda. Or not to stop & just to move on & on. O ! Tell me please,the never ending skies, the ever still and roaring ocean, What should i do to renew my...