Rabda ( A Review)

Rabda by Ruzbeh N.Bharucha (Review)

I had lost my faith some 2 years ago.And losing faith was like losing your own self. I was lost, i was praying a mechanical prayer. Then slowly, sometime later in early 2014, i regained it all back. The faith in my God, came back with a renewed force all over again. My prayer everyday is the same- No matter under what circumstances, be it happiness or distress, may i never lose faith in God.

So when in december, i was given an opportunity to review "Rabda : My Sai....My Sigh" By Ruzbeh N Bharucha, i took up the opportunity to read and review it. Almost clueless about Sai Baba's life, this book offered me to know more about Him.

The book opens with Caiz a sufi rockstar who is in  coma due to overdose of sleeping pills mixed with Vodka. His friend, his philosopher ,guide,Sai baba takes Caiz’s ether self to His cave and hence the spiritual journey of Caiz begins.Its insightful to see, a steady spiritual commentary and flow of dialogues between Caiz and his Beloved “Baba Sai.” The timeline flows seamlessly between the ether present and Sai Baba’s life. In spite of the lucid language, the writer gets across the message of spirituality, how to live, morals in the current society. There is not a single moment in which  the reader gets bored with the constant dose of spiritual medicine.

The messages, though eternal strikes a chord, remain with 
you after a long time once you have completed the book. The only disconcerting part which I found (personally) was Sai Baba using swear words. The camaraderie between Caiz and Baba Sai is beautifully portrayed through out the book. One is bonded with them, instantly at their little fights, dialogues, sense of humor & mutual affectation they have for each other. The journey which begins with Caiz’s coma and ends in Baba’s Samadhi leaves the reader with many insights in human nature, religion, prayers and the science behind it.

This line stayed with me :-

When you go within and are calm and centred, when you accept your lot calmly,with positive surrender, with the full knowledge that you have given your best 
and now nothing more can be done, so let the Lord's will be done and accepted gracefully, then the individual is capable of hearing the voice 
within and that voice will guide you calmly, without favor or anger.

I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested to learn more about Sai Baba's life. I do hope Ruzbeh Bharucha comes out with a sequel of this book.

Title: Rabda : My Sai...My Sigh
Author: Ruzbeh N Bharucha
Publisher: Penguin (Ananda)
ISBN: 978-0143423867
Genre: prose
Pages: 275
Source: Publisher's copy
Rating: 4.5/5


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