Book Review- The Borrower by Rebecca Makkai
There are times, when a book chooses you. It doesn't leave you, till you finish it reading, it compels you, haunts you and we as a reader act like a demon possessed human. But once, when you complete reading , there is this strong feeling of warm blanket of words enveloping you. The characters from the book are still alive in your mind & you wish that the book never came to an end after all. This is what i felt after reading "The Borrower" by Rebecca Makkai. Here are my thoughts about the book. Book Name- The Borrower Author-Rebecca Makkai Genre- Adult & Contemporary No.of Pages- 324 The book is narrated in first person, where we are introduced to the main character of the novel- Lucy Hull, a librarian in her mid twenties working in children's section in a small town called Hannibal. The story progresses forward, where we are shown that Lucy Hull, who is concerned about a sensitive 10 yr old kid named-Ian Drake. As the story progresses further...