Book Review- The Borrower by Rebecca Makkai

There are times, when a book chooses you. It doesn't leave you, till you finish it reading, it compels you, haunts you and we as a reader act like a demon possessed human.

But once, when you complete reading , there is this strong feeling of warm blanket of words enveloping you. The characters from the book are still alive in your mind & you wish that the book never came to an end after all.

This is what i felt after reading "The Borrower" by Rebecca Makkai.

Here are my thoughts about the book.

Book Name- The Borrower
Author-Rebecca Makkai
Genre- Adult & Contemporary
No.of Pages- 324

The book is narrated in first person, where we are introduced to the main character of the novel- Lucy Hull, a librarian in her mid twenties working in children's section in a small town called Hannibal.

The story progresses forward, where we are shown that Lucy Hull, who is concerned about a sensitive 10 yr old kid named-Ian Drake. As the story progresses further, we come to know that Ian Drake's parents have forced upon him to take Biblical related classes because they have doubts regarding his sexual orientation.

There is a sudden twist in the story, where Lucy Hull is both the kidnapper & kidnapped by Ian Drake. Together they both take a road trip, as mapped by Ian Drake. What follows is an exciting and scary journey for both of them. The easy camaraderie is reflected between Lucy & Ian through out the book.

Why this book is a must read- Because honestly, at one point of time you will start caring about the characters in this novel. Most of all, you will feel the heart-wrenching anxiety and emotions going through Lucy Hull's mind.

The novel is laced with humor, books references and at times witty dialogue.

As for me, i know now i will not be scared of the book choosing me : ) Looking forward to other novels written by Rebecca Makkai.


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