Book Review-Inside Chanakya's Mind -Aanvikshiki & The art of thinking by Radhakrishnan Pillai

The best compliment one can give to Chanakya in modern times would be that he was undoubtedly world's first leadership coach.

I got the opportunity to read & review the book -Inside Chanakya's Mind-Aanvikshiki & the Art of Thinking,

Here is the review :-

Book Name- Inside Chanakya's Mind-Aanvikshiki & The Art of Thinking

Author- Radhakrishnan Pillai


Publisher house-Portfolio/Penguin Random House India


No.of Pages- 212

Source- Flipkart Review Programme

Page Turner :-  


Review :- 

The book's concept of Aanvikshiki is explained in 10 chapters. The author first introduces us to the concept of Aanvikshiki through a short story & we are finally given glimpse to Chanakya's conception of  "Arthashashtra" .

In the initial chapter, the author explains Aanvikshiki as a process of thinking, which questions our beliefs, thoughts. In short it is a well thought out plan in order to achieve our goals. 

"Aanvikshiki is the combination of two words- anu & ikshiki. Anu means "atom", the smallest part of anything. "Ikshiki" means a "person who wants to know", an inquirer, a thinker, a researcher , an examiner or a logician."

Author here stresses out the importance of strategic thinking, which Chanakya had mastered and hence he could succeed in every phase of life. 

"Before one creates knowledge, one ought to thoroughly study the exisiting knowledge."

The author walks us through the parts , where "Aanvikshiki" has been mentioned in Arthshastra.  

In the second chapter, author introduces us to "types of Thinking", where different types of thinking are mentioned & explained in second chapter. Chapter 3 introduces models of thinking. It is here where the book shifts gears & from an individual self help book it turns into a leadership coach book.

The author introduces us to two models of thinking- 1. Rajarshi Model (Leadership models) 2. Adminsitrative Models. 

In both the models, Author traces the outline of the type of qualities required for leaders to be selected & administrators to be selected.  Chanakya stresses on the importance of being independent, reliable.

One noteworthy point is that , all the points mentioned are still relevant today and can be adapted to modern times while choosing leaders and administrators. 

Chapter 4 introduces to seven dimensions of thinking. Chanakya here is represented as a perfect guru/teacher. Here is where the author explains the concept as placed by Chanakya that how young leaders to be, can be groomed in their thinking with the seven dimensions of thinking. This part of the mainly is for leaders where different elements are explained namely-Swami (the king), Amatya (the minister), Janapada(the country), Durga(the fortified city), Kosha (the treasury), Danda (the army), Mitra (the ally).

The eighth dimension of thinking as explained in 5th Chapter is that of an enemy. Chanakya here explains to plan everything according to the nature of enemy, which will cover us against all unseen circumstances & future. Various strategies are here explained on how to tackle the enemy. 

Sixth Chapter-the other side of Chanakya introduces us to the personal side of Chanakya. Chapter 7 are Chanakya's thoughts on management. This chapter, if i may state honestly is an ancient philosophical take  on Human Resources. Of course given Chanakya's insight into the points stated are still relevant now and can be adapted by the modern HR Department. 

Chapter 8 explains the duties of king. This is an old time manual for kings . One interesting part of this chapter is that author very lucidly explains the division of day & night. Its interesting allocation of activities is still relevant to our modern leaders/politicians//CEOs and also students. 

Chapter 9 is my favourite chapter- Human & Divine thinking. It is here where I can safely say that Aanvikshiki branches out to Human & Divine Thinking. Chanakya here advises to take help of experts while solving a problem or coming to a solution. Chanakya points out- "One wheel alone cannot turn. " 

Finally the book concludes with Chapter 10- Inside your mind. this is a question answer series for the reader, on how much they have understood the concept of Aanvikshiki & Arthashashtra. 

If i may add, i would say this, i picked up this book for reviewing, more or less because it included Chanakya, his process of thinking & steps to achieve goals in life. While i definitely liked the first initial concepts of Aanvikshiki. The author then exclusively delves on to the leadership quality and management of the kingdom. 

While the remedies mentioned are still relevant today, i wished the book explored more on individual aspects, more insight on life of Chanakya. At times, it feels that the book tends to be a little bit more repetitive. 

It seems to be a more conscise part of Arthashashtra. Of course, the lucid language by the author makes the book more readable and assessable to a wider range of audience. This book, would surely work for achieiving organization goals & grooming of leaders. For individuals, i am sure the author will come up with another work based on Chanakya. 

Further suggestions of reading on different types of thinking :- 

1. Thinking Fast & Slow- Daniel Kahneman
2. How to think like Leonardo Da Vinci- Michael J Gelb
3. Wired to Create- Unraveling the Mysteries of the Creative Mind by Carolyn Gregoire & Scott Barry Kaufman


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