Book Review - Fables from India- A Collection of Short Stories by Uday Mane

I'll be honest, its my fault for the delay in review. But then of course two things prompted me, to post the review. 

Those two things are :- 

1. Our neighbor's dog passed away & i could strongly resonate with a story mentioned in the book about the origins of a dog's loyalty towards its master. Its a beautiful, heart warming fable and i almost cried at the end. 

2. The Flipkart Reviewer called twice regarding the update of review. I know, i didn't match up to the responsibility of writing a review on time. Then i learnt the second lesson, keeping up one's virtual social credibility is also important. 

But now for the review :- 

Book Name- Fables from India-A collection of Short Stories

Author- Uday Mane

Genre-Fiction-Short Stories

Publisher house- Frog Books/Leadstart Publishing Pvt Ltd


No.of Pages- 168

Source- Flipkart Review Programme

Page Turner :-  
Page Turner


Review :- 

The book starts with a poem titled- "what do i seek ?" & then begins a engaging session of 22 stories. 

Each of the stories mentioned in the book are quite interesting & for those of us who are well aware of Panchtantra or other folk tales, reading this book will be an interesting ride. 

All the stories explore the theme of loyalty, truth, moral conscience, happiness, bravery. These points come across subtly and are not hard hitting on the reader. 

Each character in the story is well sketched & they are memorable even when the story is over. The stories which stood out for me were -The Joker, A night for the demon, Who curled the dog's tail ?, Nadir's Little Lamb , the Best Selling Book & Langu's Calling

A night for the demon explores the theme of a princess who is trapped in a golden cage & who seeks freedom and longs to be the person she wants to be. 

The Joker is a heart felt story of a Joker, who makes people laugh but questions his father on who makes a joker laugh, when he is sad. 

Who curled the dog's tail  is a tale of a narcissistic dog who is in love with his tail & who finally at the end of the story has a change of heart. 

Nadir's Little Lamb are what childhood dreams & fables made of, the very innocence of Nadir tugs at one's heart. 

The Best Selling Book is journey of a boy is in search of the best selling book in the whole world. The end of the story is quite a twist though.

Langu's calling is a story of a laziest person named Langu and how his wife's wisdom saves him from his own follies. 

This book is targeted for young readers, but the compelling story style of the author makes everyone wants to read it. 

This book would make a wonderful gift for young readers who are foraying their first steps into fiction and for us adults to revisit our childhood days. 

Stories are important, the monster said. They can be more important than anything. If they carry the truth.” - Patrick Ness- A Monster Calls

Available on- Flipkart | 


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