Thoughts & Review on- A Column of Fire by Ken Follett

Thoughts & Review on- A Column of Fire by Ken Follett

I was a little bit apprehensive & scared to read a book of such a mammoth size. I was scared in the first place, that i wouldn't be able to complete this book reading or lose interest & leave midway.

Thank fully none of such catastrophes actually occurred & I did finish reading the book, albeit mostly at work, in bus, at times at home. It filled me with a strange void when the book almost came to an end. Because while reading this book, this book was my home, the characters my family & the story my soul.

This is the third novel in the kingsbridge series. Fortunately enough, this novel can also be read as a standalone book.

Set in the most challenging times of English history, Kingsbridge witnesses the ups and downs of powerful families, fall and rise of English Empire, wars between religions and sect, small but vital love story which spans over 50 years.

The story begins with young Ned Willard who belongs to well settled business family in Kingsbridge, who is in love with the mayor of Kingsbridge's daughter Margery Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald who wants a bite of nobility in their lives opposes Margery's marriage with Ned & fixes her betrothal with Bart, Viscount Shiring, a noble family but just for the name sake.

It breaks the lovers heart, which perhaps changes the course of their whole lives. England comes under Queen Elizabeth's Rule who wants everyone to be tolerant for everyone, irrespective of any religion they follow. Ned Willard, a strong yet liberal protestant joins William Cecil and ultimately founds the first secret service for the command in power -The Queen.

This story described here is an epic saga. Its not just one story of Ned Willard and Margery Fitzgerald. The story moves ahead, it spans countries, ambitions and introduction of new characters at every twist and turn.

Its Queen Elizabeth's England, where her rivals want Queen Mary of France to be on the throne, because they want Catholic religion to dominate all. Queen Elizabeth and her faithful subjects want protestant religion to be the main religion and yet they are tolerable of all the religions in their homeland.

The story moves like a complicated game of chess. There are characters taking sides of both the queens and waging a war against families and countries. As a reader we are constantly introduced to new characters, new story lines & sub-plots.

For any reader who is mildly interested in true events in history, which are merged with fiction. This is a book to be devoured.  As a reader, at times it was difficult to keep up pace with the story & with the introduction of new characters at every twist and turn of the story.

This is Elizabethan England portrayed in its true colors. We are also shown glimpses in her fewer allies of supporting Protestantism and tolerance of other religions. Its a dark, revolting England, the one which where people including the Pope are ready to throw the queen and the queen at times ruthlessly flicks her fingers and manages to slay her enemies.

The novel at the end , is just a story of how war & religion can make or break a nation. And how a faithful band of people can save the monarchy or destroy it. Hierarchy in the royal family and to the royal plays an important role in this novel.

Of all the characters which are introduced in this novel, Peirre Aumande stands out from the rest. From a harmless, but highly ambitious boy he metamorphoses into a man of much importance and evil. The evolution of his life is mesmerizing, even though it is only fueled by harming others and using other people as stepping stones to his success.

Ken Follett's writing is the core of this novel. When i began reading this novel, i had this trepidation that the English would be from Elizabethan era, difficult to comprehend. But my doubts were dispelled, within a few pages of this novel. This novel is a saga. The third novel in the trilogy, it starts off at the most difficult times of the era and ends of what only can be a start of another trilogy.
The dialogues, the writing, the description of the Spanish Armada & English Warship's war at the sea, the foil of the plans to uproot English Queen, the characterization of Rollo Fitzgerald,brother of Margery Fitzgerald, sweet yet short lived story of Sylvie Galot & Ned Willard. The abuse of power and rise of power of Peirre Aumande. The friction between the royal families, Queen Mary's anguish to win over her subjects and crown again. Queen Caterina 's powerful manipulation to maintain peace, the rise and the fall of numerous families mentioned in the novel. Fitzgerald, Willard, Cobley, Guise.

I have to mention one thing, all the women mentioned in this novel are potrayed really powerful. Powerful in their own individualistic way. They fight, they defy, they love, they rule, conquer and no one ever backs down.

This is history mingled with fiction at its best. Readers perhaps not familiar with English History might find it a bit difficult to single out actual true events. But in any case this novel is worth reading. As a stand alone book or a third part of the trilogy, this book is a catchy read.

However, like me if you ever get confused while reading this book & Get lost in the sea of characters, Ken Follett has included a Cast of characters on his website.

For the first two kingsbridge series, the books were made into Tele series. You can check the youtube link from here- Kingsbridge series Trailer- Pillars of Earth  &  World without End

Book's Name- A Column of Fire
Author's name - Ken Follett
Genre- Historical Fiction
No.of Pages- 916
Publisher's Name-Viking

You can buy the book from :- Flipkart | Amazon | Infibeam


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