Thoughts & Review on- "The Nine Chambered Heart" By Janice Pariat

Thoughts & Review on- "The Nine Chambered Heart" By Janice Pariat

When i had read the blurb of a book, I knew i was in for a tempting ride. And this was same perhaps for all the readers.

In the recent times, no such book has touched the core of my heart as this book. The book is divided into Nine Chapters, nine lovers who trace their journey with "You" a girl who is not named through out the book. She is journey her course of life in cities with river, without river , countries. Her lovers change do. Its not a deliberate change it just happens.

The flow is smooth. IT doesn't break, its seamless. The lovers in her life describe her and their relationship with her. A fleeting mention is also there of her estranged relationship with her parents.

The chapters starts with a school teacher, a college student, a married man, a room mate & so on. In the end she is again with a much older married man. In retrospective, one can alternately title this book- Meditations on Love.

This book forces you to stop for a while and think about it. We all at any point of time in our relationships have gone through the same emotions, same hurt, same anticipations, expectations & hope of an idealistic love.

Janice Pariat at a deeper level gives an hint to the reader perhaps to think about what actually love is- to stay with a person, to miss that person, marry and then again leave. Will you stay with that person, if the same person is tired of you and you are also tired.

Janice Pariat writes in a lucid manner, there are no pretentious landscapes, no extraordinary heroes and situations. Our heroine, perhaps in search of love moves from cities to cities, countries to countries, hearts to hearts and yet at the end her search is futile.

"you, though, are as beautiful as light splitting through glass."

"The ones we pretend to ignore are the ones we're most aware of."

"I turn to you and ask " What happens when you leave people ?'
You hesitate for the briefest moment. 'It allows you both to grow.' 
These words too are knives, and i am cut open and illuminated at the same time."

My favorite chapter/lover from the book was- "The undertaker" . There is a subtleness, the futile attempt to hold love for the longest time.

Why should you read this book ? Because  The journey of love is universal for everyone. And if novelties and heart aches of love don't work for you, read it as a work of fiction. Perhaps as an autobiographical novel.

I wish Janice Pariat comes out with the sequel, that how the heroine feels about all the lovers in her life.

Name of Novel- "the Nine Chambered Heart"
Author :- Janice Pariat
Genre :- Fiction
No.of Pages :- 200
Publishing House :- Fourth Estate- Harper Collins Publishers
Book Source-  Flipkart Review Program

You can buy the book from :- Flipkart | Amazon | Infibeam


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