Thoughts & Review on - Job be Damned by Rishi Piparaiya

Thoughts & Review on - Job be Damned by Rishi Piparaiya 

Picture this real life incident:-

Me- who struggles all day long, actually works, prepares report, consumption analysis, deals with other departments, slogs till 5 pm

Conclusion- who gets the promotion/increment- Not me

Another colleague- Who is on the phone all day long, pantry is his unofficial cabin, books tickets for senior colleagues and boss-etc, takes half day leave & goes home.

Conclusion: - who gets the promotion/increment- Him

If you are like me, stuck somewhere on corporate ladder and racing to heaven or hell, then this book is for you.

When I was offered the book “Job be Damned” by Rishi Piparaiya  for review, I had that illusion, that the book was going to pull me out of monotonous life of a desk job and make me an outside of the box, the innovative, fire cracker of an employee. What I didn’t realize, that I was in for a ride, a corporate roller coaster, laughter guaranteed.

Rishi Piparaiya's second book "Job be damned " takes a satirical dig on corporate culture. Its almost like a weird statistic or a pattern, that corporate culture tactics are same everywhere be it mammoth size companies or small companies. Rishi Piparaiya breaks down the survival tactics for an employee to survive and float through the stormy sea of jobs and companies. 

However, what makes this book worthwhile reading, is the humor. The book is divided into six chapters and each chapter takes the reader through the various stages in an employee's life right from early careers to senior management hot seat to off site adventures to long meetings and finally if the situation arises resignation. 

Picture this, as Rishi Piparaiya says this at the very starting of the book- "And that stacks of books in your library notwithstanding, you still report to a dunderhead of a boss, whose idea of compelling non- fiction is his daily horoscope."

Rishi Piparaiya slays every corporate concept  and explains that the mediocrity of an employee and being not on the radar is the best way to sustain a job. The concepts are explained in the management books style- Definition, various types if applicable, real life examples or blunders and finally conclusion. 

There was not a single time in the book, where i didn't stop smiling or nod my head with various circumstances mentioned in the book. The off site adventures in the book or a rival employee's promotion or the sudden responsibility of a new task being awarded to you, Rishi Piparaiya gives a satirical guide on how to be the best mediocre or how to avoid the task. 

The language is crisp and clear, the concrete jungle concepts explained quite well and this is a book, which you must read at work to let some of the tension go. As Rishi Piparaiya quite rightly mentions in the book- " A job would have been perfect if not for two aspects-work and bosses. Your boss's primary role is to watch you work while your basic objective is to avoid work and this is the fundamental conflict."

This book actually works as an antidote to the serious and monotonous life of every employee, trapped in a cubicle or a cabin. It makes you laugh & the author ends the book with a job satisfaction survey. 

In Indian non-fiction, where we have fewer number of books in humor and especially satirical humor at work, this book deserves to be on our shelf to be read and shared with our esteemed colleagues, just not your boss though.

I was of course reminded of series "Office" and " Parks & recreation" , Indian Sitcoms "office office" & "ji mantriji" . 

Here is wishing a better corporate life to every employee and looking forward to other books written by Rishi Piparaiya. 

PS- The book is extensively bookmarked as suggested by author to use office stationery and also the book was read extensively at work & luckily my boss was not aware of it. 

Book Name :- Job be damned
Author : - Rishi Piparaiya
Genre- Non -Fiction/humor/satire
Publisher - HarperCollins Publishers 
P-ISBN- 978-93-5277-767-9
No. of pages- 250
Book Source- Flipkart Book Review Programme
You can buy the book from :- Flipkart | Amazon | Infibeam 

PS 1- This music was played on 8tracks while writing this review. 


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