Thoughts & Review on Shyam -An Illustrated Retelling of the Bhagvata by Devdutta Pattanaik

Thoughts & Review on Shyam -An Illustrated Retelling of the Bhagvata by Devdutta Pattanaik

How will you define Shyam ? Is he your friend, lover, husband, well wisher, inspiration behind countless songs/dances, stories, the epitome of bhakti devotion, or a great warrior or perhaps he is  the most famous historical/ mythological figure of our times. What is Shyam to us ?

Perhaps that is a personal question for all of us and most of all it is a question of faith.

Shyam by Devdutt Pattanaik an illustrated retelling is the story of Shyam from his magical birth to his end. Devdutt Pattanaik explores the  myth, historical facts & concept of Shyam as explored in other religions too.

The book begins on how Krishna looked & exploring various ways of Krishna being worshiped differently through all ages, countries, religions. The story begins when Vyasa retells the story of Shyam to his reluctant baby Shuka.

"It is the story of God on earth, of the journey of the infinite through the finite world, in finite form exploring every facet of humanity; taking, giving, receiving, sharing, connecting, disconnecting, listening, speaking, witnessing and finally letting go. It can be as long or as short as you want it to be. I will split it into sixteen chapters for simplicity."

Devdutt Pattanaik's writing shows that how much research has been put into the book. Chapter one begins as a Prequel, where Vishnu -The Almighty is cursed by Shukra so that he may born & experience the complete cycle of life & death.

We move on, progress through the well known tale, where each myth, fragment of history and facts is explained by the author. The joy & delight when Krishna is born, the trepidation of His parents Vasudev & Devki, the cruel King Kamsa & the chilling prophecy keeps the reader spell bound.

It is quite interesting to know about psychological side of Kamsa which is perhaps not revealed anywhere.

"Krishna's story begins with the baby-killer Kamsa & ends with the baby-killer Ashwatthama."

The  childhood of Shyam spent in Gokul & Vrindavan with his elder brother Balarama is beautifully narrated and the illustrations in the book match aesthetically with the concept of the book.

This childhood of Shyam is filled with stories of Yashoda Maiyaa adorning Shyam, stealing butter, fighting &killing of dangerous demons, endless innocent adventures of Shyam, Balarama & their friends.

Devdutt Pattanaik, writes the story the story in the most captivating manner. We are introduced to the eternal, divine love of Radha & Shyam., the Raas Leela in Vrindavan, the lifting of Govardhan Parvat & finally the invitation from King Kamsa to Mathura.

Its here, where Shyam will become a statesman from a cowherd, a warrior from a loving flute playing boy & a politician who will upheld & built strong alliances with kings & defeat powerful kings too.

Shyam's war tactics and his enigmatic personality earns him respect from all the kingdom and in doing that he wins powerful marital alliances. He has eight different wives , & the stories about marrying each of them is mentioned beautifully.

Devdutt Pattanaik 's Shyam further moves on his life story from being a perfect householder to a wise politician, adviser & powerful warrior. It is in this phase, where the whole Kauravas, Pandavas & Shyam along with hundreds of far flung relatives, allies & enemies fought the bloody battle of Kurukshetra.

Shyam's discourse of Gita to Arjuna during the battle of kurukshektra is one of the most powerful part of the book. It evokes all emotions & Devdutt Pattanaik leaves no stone unturned to keep the reader spellbound.

Devdutt's Shyam is a book, which can be read infinite number of times. The mesmerizing & pleasing to eye illustrations in style of Madhubani paintings are a sight to behold. Devdutt Pattanaik has done thorough research & one can come safely to a conclusion that irrespective of cultures, religions or countries, the concept of Shyam is everywhere.

The beauty of Shyam/Krishna's stories is that, that the folklore never gets old. We read various translations, various concepts, different vantage points where tale of Mahabharat or Krishna's story is told again & again. The story itself never gets old. There is always something new to learn & something new to discover.

Devdutt Pattanaik's style of writing & engaging in this ever green journey is a experience for the reader too.

"Every that is here, there, in between and beyond was present within him. Everything that was, is, & will be was present within him. 

"I am mind and matter, he said. "I am self and the other," he said. " I am Shyam and Shyama, Krishna & kali, the beloved and the lover, the eater and the eaten, the killer and the killed.  Only dharma will bring success and pleasure and freedom."

Name of the book :- Shyam- An Illustated retelling of the Bhagavata
Author- Devdutt Pattanaik
Genre- Non-fiction
Publisher- Penguin Random House India
No.of Pages - 274
ISBN- 9780670084463
Book Source- Flipkart Review Program
You can buy the book from :- Flipkart | Amazon | Infibeam


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